Saturday, May 5, 2012

Domestic violence defense?

When common laws fail us we do what we must to survive. This story hits close to home for me because I am witness to why and how a mother might go this far to protect her family? My exposure to this movie at such a young age as I live through it myself made a strong impact as my children are not witness to the extremes in this kind of violence. Although we've come along way since this movie so much needs to be done! There are mothers in hiding with their children living in fear of an abuser women and children die at the hand of one whose suppose to love and one should have to live in fear of another ever not even one!
Zero tolerance for domestic violence of any kind. Stories like this support my great passion for this cause of action if this makes me the criminal so be it I stand firm ready for the pig who believes I'm harmless because I am patient when in fact it's my patience that will defeat him!