Sunday, July 8, 2012

The gypsy trail

Soon my nest will empty out will I ever settle down in one place? For so long I've wanted stability of not moving every year or so! I drag my kids from place to place just like my mother did. Only I prayed for a place to call home I don't think my mother cared. Well I lost that battle my nest empties out and I am homeless am I destined to be a gypsy or will God put me in one place so I can be a grandma? I feel I've been robbed of motherhood I did the best I could but couldn't keep up! I still pray for stability so I can be a grandma but if the plan is to be a gypsy I will do something good with it. Maybe I will travel reach out to others in need of moral support? Maybe I'll do a little of both how else might my grandchildren carry on such a great legacy teach them to care for others save lives...the gypsy trail dosent sound so scary when you put it like that it could be rather rewarding! Anyway it doesnt matter I trust God.amen.

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