Monday, February 27, 2012


We exist in a world of constant conflict a never ending cycle of good against good and evil. since the beginning of time as we know it war has been a reality. i feel for those who believe there is no righteous force in control of this frightening truth.

I want to give thanks to the members of disturbed for inspiring my own voice! to seek peace without fear of nessisary conflict.when all attempts to passively resist fail aggressively pusue what is right in the whole community.its not about what it is why.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


the fight for a place to call home in a world that is over populated. My God has great reason for why i must fight the battles of homelessness for why i must endure for the purpose of building tolerance? own battle has gave me a new view of my Gods war with Satan over territory it is a true battle of good against evil and a question of righteous authority.My God is that righteous force i now understand the violence as Satan's wrath has no end outside Gods greater wrath.there is one small area in this temple that belongs to God and his Christ to us he gives the rest and beyond.
1579 Findlay st ...*67. i lost my battle leaving me scattered living on borrowed time will i ever find that one spot that belongs to me ? as my nest empties out i am tired i only want to be still and enjoy the new family tree that's evolved out of my dark history of sackcloth.
I wait patiently for the restoration of this temple  the sounding of the seventh trumpet...Satan isn't going down without a fight to the good stand firm to the evil you're maker is here and he isn't happy with your deeds.We are the first generation of soldiers for the final war Armageddon Stan's demise.

Friday, February 24, 2012


as i sit here tonight material nest will soon empty out what will i do i know nothing else. since i was a small child i had it all planned out visions of a family portrait that never happened, with all my good intent and good will to my fellow man it would seem as if he could care a less it would seem as if hard work doesn't matter as if i don't deserve a family a home stability...because i am a single mom and cant possibly keep up with my own life .i have raised 3children 3 abusive relationships to end up with the only one i married who stole my house simply because he could.i am now homeless with little hope outside my faith i struggle to get through my last child and pray my God has bigger plans for me. do i have any regrets no my environment created odds i couldn't possibly beat. with every revision of my childhood dream there was always hope ...
the first  a material father for my family by the grace of God we are never fatherless i will raise my family with the same spiritual father that raised me. this revision came with ease until i made the mistake i can never make right a denial of instinct that had never failed me before . he conned me i caught him i take my share of blame for why this happened to me i am bankrupt because i allowed it dose that give him the right to leave us homeless is he allowed to do and say as he pleases dose he have the right to terrorize a single mom and her two small boys he stole our house because there is no physical violence and i cant catch him in the act he isn't the criminal i am standing up for myself seems to be the crime.the next two revisions go together home and stability... if by Gods grace i am never fatherless why would he leave me without a mother natures wrath will restore the balance this man has taken from me.for it is the fine balance of time and nature that allow us to exist.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Easter Inspiration

I am a true christian gentile a blind follower of a God i can not see but feel in a way that needs no sight. by his grace i live in a country that allows me to follow any God i choose how i follow when i fellowship...i choose in free will the holy ghost of christ with his great book of Revelations i fellowship every minute of my life  with family friends coworkers...*67 maiden ferguson wimmer.
he firstcame as a humble jesus God jn the flesh here to suffer along side his people as he would not ask of us what he is not willing to give himself.he is not coming on fluffy white clouds with harps and angels we are nowhere near ready for that. he is already here he came as a thief on a dark storm cloud with the thundering sounds of an electric guitar and an army of angel whispers here to restore balance to our inviroment
my Jesus is now my Christ he dose not expect i lie passively while he dose all the work he expects i will do my part.i dont need a God to define me i need a God to support and defend my good character as satan temps me on a daily basis. 
in the spirit of these three crosses i say every man will have his day with God no man is exe .

Sunday, February 19, 2012

My Mother My Name

I am a second generation maiden wimmer in defence of three blue mother was the oldest of 3 children and only survivor of unspeakable acts of child abuse at the hands of her father. my mothers drunken voice kept her little brothers story alive i only now understand her drunken voice was the vice that allowed her to tell the story in detail. Frances David Charles wimmer if i could save one child by telling your story the heavy burden of your sackcloth will be lifted.
my mother passes down to me 3 angel whispers soon she will join them and finally know peace i will keep both names alive.
David the oldest he left remnants 5 children yo carry on his name.
Charles left nothing if not for my mothers drunken voice his story would never be told.
the blue butterfly marks the beginning of the great event that left me homeless 12-2-98 the conman and a house *122 birthday two blue butterflies. my mother...45 years of my own survivors guilt trying to save her life to find if i don't let her go she will take me with long as she insist on being a victim she will never know the rapture of survival.
i am the seed to a new family tree to pull my history forward create examples of what where how great change must happen if we seek a paradise.
Ferguson Wimmer pink butterfly of hope...ribbons of sackcloth purple-domestic violence self affliction
blue-child abuse victims rights  yellow-suicide awareness know the rapture of survival one must only make that choice i choose life!Satan can take what he wants of my material life he cant have my spirit unless give it to him.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

My Father My Name

it all begins in the dream lore of my fathers feather pillow... i was 3 he was 23 when God removed his coat of life leaving behind a martyred remnant of his name and the powerful angel whispers of his voice. I am his oldest daughter given the spirit of that voice' 
Boyd Gene Ferguson 1947 ~ 1971 Roanoke Va ...
drafted into Vietnam he breaks down for fear his name will die naming my sister Jean Boyd before he is discharged 1971 he is shot 6 times in the back found in a dumpster with his buddy for being in the wrong place at the wrong time then buried on his only sons first birthday named after his father James lee. 
I am Lisa Lynn with just as much of my fathers blood as my brother as maidens my boys will carry his name into the future where it will be restored to its naturally good character. to carry on ones name has nothing to do with blood but rather the power of his voice. 
this is the powerful voice of my fathers true living spirit meant to catch the attention of all who hear it. in retrospect... my father has been warning and reassuring me through the dream lore my whole life. as a child a reoccurring dream i found was a memory of my first move to date 56 times and i am homeless .1993 he warns me of the event that left me little to no hope for a recovery.2002 reassurance of a purple butterfly i am in a moving light with millions of butterflies it is so bright i can only see shadows as the light moves forward suddenly we stop a huge purple butterfly consumes the light with sheer flowing wings as curtains on a windy day allowing nothing to pass through to the other side... i wake with a sense of great peace in the midst of the greatest conflict i have ever known.
The inspiration of this story a mans name only dies if no one cares to keep his voice alive. the spirit has no end our loved ones linger with us serving great purpose in Gods habitat which i believe is in the dream lore.