Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Easter Inspiration

I am a true christian gentile a blind follower of a God i can not see but feel in a way that needs no sight. by his grace i live in a country that allows me to follow any God i choose how i follow when i fellowship...i choose in free will the holy ghost of christ with his great book of Revelations i fellowship every minute of my life  with family friends coworkers...*67 maiden ferguson wimmer.
he firstcame as a humble jesus God jn the flesh here to suffer along side his people as he would not ask of us what he is not willing to give himself.he is not coming on fluffy white clouds with harps and angels we are nowhere near ready for that. he is already here he came as a thief on a dark storm cloud with the thundering sounds of an electric guitar and an army of angel whispers here to restore balance to our inviroment
my Jesus is now my Christ he dose not expect i lie passively while he dose all the work he expects i will do my part.i dont need a God to define me i need a God to support and defend my good character as satan temps me on a daily basis. 
in the spirit of these three crosses i say every man will have his day with God no man is exe .

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