Sunday, April 8, 2012

Dose God have a wife?...

If God created us in his image would it not be safe to believe he had a wife?As a mother myself I have to ask where do I fit into Gods master plan for why we all suffer the same sackcloth of corruption?
   Why was Eve chosen to fall first luring Adam to follow her? Why did Mary have to suffer a virgin birth raising her son with a serrogate?Why dose God hide her true spirit leaving little to no footprint in history? If by Gods grace we are never fatherless why would he leave us without a righteous mother? I have to believe my righteous creator has a plan for the female seed as a single mom of 3 my children are fatherless because of my zero tolerance for any form of domestic violence which goes way beyond the many blows Ive taken to my head as a child as an adult never again!
In my search for the answer to where do I fit in...Mother Nature this is Gods wife for it is the fine balance of time and nature that allows for all existence in eternity. She is the free will of choice and justice for choice made this is why she was chosen to take the blame and wear the sackcloth of shame and guilt in the end it's her justice that will set things right for our people. God doesn't put us on a path he creates us for the path. For every hardship there is a greater cause of awareness the power of the voice...through Christ God simply took his long time companion for his wife he is the coat of life that allows God to have a face for those who need a face. I myself am a big fan of the spirit once you find it I promise there is no doubt outside what you can't see!
  On this Easter I want to take a moment to thank Mary for her great sacrafice as a mother myself I can't imagine how this might hurt?As I suffer my sackcloth I know I am not alone a righteous creator must have a reason for why he allows it nothing else makes good sense.

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