Thursday, April 19, 2012

Server by trade

In the business 23 years now. As a single mom this was the only way for me for many years it kept us comfortable. We moved a lot but we had each other we were never hungry and I often made room for fun times. Honestly this this is everything I could possibility ask for under the circumstances of my life.
Written by Lisa inspired by Tracy ...the server is judged from the moment the guest arrives if the hostess is rude the server is judged if the server is polite but slow he is judged if the cooks line crashes the server is judged if the manager dosent give into the demands of a guest whose probably having a bad day the server is judged with no tip. To have a bad day in the service industry has become the ordinary occurance weeks at a time I starve I can't even afford to be homeless! Do you know how many hours a week I work 3. 6 hours serving complaining guest serving his food while I fight to keep a roof over my head I'm thankful for one meal a day two on a good day.
In recent years I've witnessed the guest complete control they are quite literally always right at the expense of the server who could loose his job with enough complaints true or not?
I'm thinking I want out but what the hell will I do? Will I turn into a hermit as work is my social life which is what's kept me in the business this long. Soon my material nest and menopause mabe I should ponder awhile longer?

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